To put this in perspective, it is as if the following entire major cities were put out of work just last month:
U.S. Cities with Populations around 600,000:
- Boston
- El Paso
- Milwaukee
- Seattle
- Nashville
- Denver
- Washington, D.C.
The following cities have far fewer than 600,000 people. Last month's job losses alone would have eliminated more than one job for every person in the following cities:
- Las Vegas
- Louisville
- Portland, OR
- Atlanta
- Sacramento
- Kansas City
- Cleveland
- Miami
- Omaha
- Oakland
- Minneapolis
- Raleigh
- Arlington, TX
- St. Louis
- Tampa
- Cincinnati
- Pittsburgh
- Newark
- Plano, TX
- New Orleans
- Orlando
Obviously this is not an exhaustive list, and remember that city populations include children, the retired, and others not in the workforce.
There have been over 2 million jobs lost in the last three months.
There are only four U.S. cities with populations greater than 2 million:
- Houston (2.2 M)
- Chicago (2.8 M)
- Los Angeles (3.8 M)
- New York (8.2 M)
There are only fifteen U.S. states with populations over 2 million.
And there are 26 -- yes, twenty six -- U.S. states with populations less than 600,000 - the number of jobs lost in the U.S. just last month.
We are not having an academic or ideological discussion in this country about the imminent need for stimulus.